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A quick guide to logging for Django developers

south hall 2a
30 minutes


The python logging module is a really powerful tool for troubleshooting with a lot of potential to save us hours of debugging.

The aim for the talk is to provide an overview how the logging module in python works, how Django uses it and how to improve our logging to make it better for our web project.

TalkWeb (2023)


As Django developers, we implictly use the python logging module daily in our work - for HTTP requests, for SQL queries, for custom logs, etc.

The aim of this talk is to provide useful information for Django developers on:

  1. How does logging in python works?
  2. How to setup a logging configuration based on our needs?
  3. How to configure logging in our Django app?
  4. Tips and tricks for custom logging in Django app

The speaker

Ivaylo Donchev

Ivaylo Donchev

Currently working as Technical team lead in HackSoft in Bulgaria.

A programmer for ~8 years, working with Python and DJango for 7 years.

Speaker at EuroPython 2018, EuroPython 2022 and PyCon Balkan 2018.

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