Food For Rabbits: Celery From Zero to Hero
- Level:
- beginner
- Room:
- club b
- Start:
- Duration:
- 180 minutes
In a world, full of Micro-Services, distributing tasks is a constant challenge, and there's only one tool that can rule them all.
In this workshop, we'll introduce Celery - a tool for distributing tasks in an easy, fast, and flexible manner, and take you from zero to hero!
- We're going to understand why we need a distributed task system, and why to choose Celery.
- We'll write our first Celery task.
- Understand how to configure and run Celery.
- Familiarize ourselves with Celery's fundamental concepts.
- Dive into celery customizable options.
- Finally, we'll see a real-life example of how we used Celery in our production system and how we customized it to fit our needs, and discuss how you can do the same.
TutorialTBD - Multiple Tracks (2023)
- Setup [5 min]
- What is Celery? When to use it and why. [5 min]
- Let's write our first Celery Task. [5 min + 10 min Exercise]
- Getting statuses and results. [5 min + 15 min Exercise]
- The Celery Worker. [5 min]
- Go configure - the Celery Config. [5 min]
- Customize it & Retry [10 min + 15 min Exercise]
- Break - [15min]
- Celery Workflows and Signature. [10 min + 25 min Exercise]
- How we use Celery to solve complex problems & Production use-case [10 min]
- Final Excercise [40 min]
- Recap [5 min]